Thursday, July 13, 2006

I hate waiting.

I have 3½ hours to kill before class starts again. Urgh.
Its not helping that the stupid traffic around that area are always conjested.
I finish first one during lunch hour..and the other one during off-work hours.
Go back to office and work over time la.. damnit.

Oh yeah, and the funniest story today ..
I've got KungFu class tomorrow. Wtf? I didn't sign up for a KungFu class weh.
*sigh*.. anyhow its okay, free self-defence class. (am trying to console myself ok?)
Will try to make excuse not to go. Gtg now.. laters!


Lynnie said...

wahahahhaha! KUNGFU CLASSES??
You got to be kidding me wey..

Ohh, do you have to wear white tshirt track pants and a black belt? And do you have to bring your own broom stick?? hahaha ;p

*shereen* said...
