Thursday, January 18, 2007

Fishing pics.

Cb. Got abit more to post up. But, it can't seem to load. So, fuck it la.

Myself on a jolly shining day.

Darling with one of his catch.

(Note : His shirt is written. - I LOVE ANIMALS. They taste great)

Me chilling on the couch.

The main pond of TF.

The fishy's head is half gone. :P (See the eyeballs?)

This is one stupid kitcat. So we decided to put him on the roof.

Kampung Boy.

TF in the evening.

Darling with another one of the big catches.

Mind you, this fish is selling for RM130 per kg.

This one right here is about 8 - 9 kg?

You do the math. :)

Will post up more when I have time. Toodles.

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