Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Strained relationship.. no more?

I wonder, is it just me thinking too much or is it really happening?
Things had been a little sour lately.
He probably couldn't realise it.
I find it so hard to talk to him these days.
Its either he won't answer, he'll reply sarcastically, or I'll get the
what-the-fuck tone of voice.
Sometimes, I just find that we both don't click at all.
This guy has a very strong mind of his own and is always firm with it.
That explains the disagreements that happens daily as I am that way too.

After all these while, I asked myself.. is it worth going through all these?
Truth is, I haven't got enough of him.
Somehow I just feel like theres more of him and it makes me
want him even more albeit all that we're going through.

Often enough, friends do ask me if I am bored...
Thats because I see him practically everyday.
Well, sometimes I do really feel boring and fed up.
But after a while it somehow just went away.
Most of the time we just leave each other alone for a ..while.
Haha.. my for a while meaning a couple of hours.. or maybe a night?

Its different you see, if you haven't seen your bf for 6 months,
and the FACT that you know that he's going away for the
next-dunno-when 1 year, how often would you see him?
I am just making out the best of the time we have.
When the bomb finally arrives, thats when I really start panicking
and going hoo-ha.

Thinking back, the last time was really funny.
I didn't quite absorb that fact that he won't be around until
I was driving back alone after dropping of lynn n simon from the airport.
I don't know if anyone had seen me.. but I was really bursting..

And for that next couple of days, I cried day and night.
Everytime someone mention about him, my eyes started tearing.
I really couldn't help it. Probably that was also because I didn't get to
talk to him. Oh yeah, talking about that, I even cried when he called.
It was a less than 5 minutes call. It was really silly of me I know.

Fact is, I blamed US for what I went through.
Thats because we started out really really close.
And all of a sudden he's leaving for 6 months.
Well, I have alot more (years!) to go through, soon.

This time around, I really don't know how its going to be.

********crosses fingers*********

I kind of spoke to him about it today.
He admitted that its his fault.
He has a problem himself... :)

1 comment:

-@llaN- said...

well is a good start that you both opened up to each other.

You know where to find me if you need to talk :)