Monday, November 26, 2007

Happy 21st Lynn!

-Sorry for the late entry :p

Wishing you all the happiness & love in the world

Good health & wealth.

May every year be better than the last

The day is finally here. And you're legally legal now.

Let's go register to vote? :)

Love you lots!


I will be going Spore this Wednesday. I've made up my mind to go for the 2nd interview.

I've thought about it long enough. Its not about me alone anymore, I can't be so selfish.

I have to think about my family. And its really not worth it for me to let go of the job because of some jerk.

I know I will regret it if I don't go for it.

I might be miserable being all alone there, but looks like I don't really have much of a choice now.


-lilian- said...

yeahh...lets be working woman together gether!! =D

Lynnie said...


reen, you need to start putting yourself first. if you're happy only will your loved ones be happy. remember that! MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING!

rachel_mayvern said...

YOU GO GIRL! All the best!

And yes, as sue lynn says, it's all about you! make sure you're happy k?!